
One of the best ways to support our work, and the work of other effective charities is to donate. There are one-off giving opportunities as well as regular monthly giving available to choose from to suit all budgets.

Speak with one of the team

EA UK’s organisers are available to support anyone that would benefit from some friendly guidance. We would be happy to discuss career choices, how to donate effectively, volunteering opportunities and provide guidance to those interested in getting involved but unsure where to begin.

Sign up to our mailing list

Monthly update with events, job openings and community news

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Other ways to get involved

Volunteer your time

Volunteer your time with EA UK or another project that is looking for help.

Join a group

There are a range of groups that you could join;

  • Find out more about EA London if you are based in London.

  • Connect with us on Facebook or LinkedIn.

  • Browse other career, interest, cause area and local groups here.

Attend an event

There are a wide range of in-person and virtual events for all levels of EA engagement, from effective giving meet-ups to volunteer and careers events.

Find an event that suits your interests. Attend or volunteer at an EA Global or EAGx conference.

Pledge to give

We think most people want to help others, but don’t realise the incredible opportunity they have to do so, simply by donating a relatively small portion of their income thoughtfully and strategically.

The 🔸10% Pledge, is a public commitment to give at least 10% of income to the organisations that can most effectively use it to improve the lives of others.

Not ready for 10%? Try the 🔹Trial Pledge which allows you to try giving any percentage for a custom duration — you decide!

Pledges aren't just for people. Your company can have a tremendous impact by pledging a percentage of profits to highly-effective charities. Ask your company to consider taking the Company Pledge.